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The R.I.P. Portfolio: Q1 2018 Update

Summary Points:

- This real-money portfolio was first introduced to the Seeking Alpha community in December 2015 and it outperformed its benchmark in each of the last two years.

- The portfolio has, however, underperformed its benchmark over the last 6-8 months in large part due to the downfall of General Electric.

- The financial holdings were again the top performers for the portfolio, with Bank Of America being the biggest contributor.

- The portfolio's projected income for 2018 is up almost 50% YoY.

The Retire In Peace portfolio, or R.I.P. portfolio, was first introduced to the Seeking Alpha ("SA") community in December 2015 and I have published quarterly articles that captured the activity and performance of the portfolio since that point in time. The companies that I write about on SA are largely the holdings of the R.I.P. portfolio, so the main purpose for the quarterly articles is to allow for my SA followers to track the performance of the stocks that I write about on this platform.

Read more here.


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